When composing the jury, the organizers strive both for diversity and for a large proportion of designer jury members: in this spirit there are representative in the jury of education, publishing, book commerce and other connected fields. By accepting the the invitation to participate in the evaluation of the submissions, the jury members agree to the condition that any book had they worked on as author, editor, designer, art director, illustrator, or typesetter is automatically excluded from the competition. The jury is composed of different members each year. Jury members are not compensated for their work.
The jury convenes in two rounds: the evaluation of digitally submitted material produces the longlist; longlisted books are then inspected in physical form as well, which in turn results in the shortlist and the five category winners.
Ádám Katyi

Teo Koponen
Réka Király
Réka Neszmélyi

Zoltán Pallag
Flóra Pálhegyi